Cuboluce Edizione speciale 2020 | Cuboluce Special edition 2020


Cini&Nils has created a Special Edition of the iconic Cuboluce Classic lamp and the proceeds of its sales has been donated to the Covid-19 emergency funds.

[item no longer in production]

Cini&Nils has created a Special Edition of the iconic Cuboluce Classic lamp and 30% of the retail price of every lamp has been donated to the funds set up for the Covid-19 emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Region of Lombardy.


This decision is born from the date 2020, a year with unexpected implications that has given us the chance to discover the strength, positivity and sense of humanity that arise in difficult times. The new look of Cuboluce 2020 was created to transmit positive energy and consciously plan our future. All together.

There are 3 new graphic elements that characterize the special edition. 2020, which identifies the context, in memory of the sacrifices that all of us have made and the community’s future redemption. The rainbow, just as a child could draw, which, together with the slogan “everything will be fine”, has become the symbol of those months. A coloured sign made up of a multitude of hashtags, which express the messages of solidarity that come from social networks. Finally, the phrase “Designing the future is everyone’s responsibility”, which represents the solid belief that designing is an important responsibility.

A real support

Thanks to this Special Edition, Cini&Nils has donated 30% of the proceeds from the sale of individual pieces to the funds allocated by the WHO and the Lombardy Region to face the virus.

The strong social imprint of the project is symbolic of the company’s desire to contribute concretely to the cause of the healthcare personnel who, with self-denial and sacrifice, has fought the battle against Covid-19 on the front line.

In this release, Cuboluce has become not only a precious object that enriches our homes, but also a warning to look ahead and assume a shared responsibility towards a common future.

[item no longer in production]

Immagine singola in basso
Cuboluce 2020 lato sinistro
Cuboluce 2020 centro
Cuboluce 2020 lato destro

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